Yes, we never charge for our service. However, if you are eligible for legal aid, you may be asked for a contribution towards your legal fees by the Legal Aid Agency. We will assess this for you.
Is your service free ?
All applications are applied for through the Family Courts. Some courts are still doing remote hearings, so you don’t need to attend court. However, many courts are reverting to in person hearings. The likelihood is that you will have to attend court. You can request a screen so you will not have to see your abuser.
Will I have to go to court ?
The time scale is reliant on each family court, how quickly victims engage with us and the solicitor.
How long will it take ?
The legal aid agency will require sight of your last 3 months bank statements for all accounts in your name, last 3 payslips, proof of benefits and a copy of your tenancy agreement or mortgage statement.
What documents will I need ?
Yes, you can apply directly to the courts yourself (litigant in person) however you will not have any legal representation. We can help you do this.