Victims of domestic abuse are eligible for Legal Aid, subject to means testing and merits, in which your assets and financial situation are assessed. You eligibility is also dependent on the merits of your case, which we will assess with you.
If you are eligible for Legal Aid, you will need to provide evidence of your financial position for the Legal Aid Agency. The following documents are needed, but not limited to:
Your last 3 months bank statements for all accounts you hold, even if you do not use them. If you have control of your children’s bank accounts, they will also need those.
Evidence of benefits.
Copy of your tenancy agreement or mortgage statement.
Your National Insurance Number.
You may be granted full legal aid or you may be asked to pay a contribution towards the cost of your legal services. The contribution will be paid directly to the Legal Aid Agency.
It is important that the documents are sent as soon as requested as the orders are time sensitive.
We will advise you on all of the above.